Some members have reported receiving fraudulent text messages from “Nothern CU” claiming their account is on hold and prompting them to click a link to regain access. These messages are NOT from Northern or Countryside Credit Union. Please contact us directly at 315.445.2300 to verify any communication and if you suspect fraud.

Our Countryside location will be closed for the holiday on Monday, February 17 and will reopen Tuesday, February 18.

It’s your money. Why not save it your way? We have savings options with the features you need and the extras you want. Take advantage of the option that offers the best value and is right for you.  

Regular Share Certificates

$500 minimum balance required to open a certificate of deposit.

Penalty will be applied for early withdrawal. Fees incurred may reduce earnings on account. APY = Annual Percentage Yield. See Credit Union for account details. Rates accurate as of December 23, 2024.

3 Months*3.00% APY3.50% APY4.10% APY
6 Months*1.80% APY2.30% APY2.90% APY
12 Months0.90% APY1.40% APY2.00% APY
18 Months2.15% APY2.65% APY3.25% APY
24 Months0.90% APY1.40% APY2.00% APY
30 Months0.90% APY1.40% APY2.00% APY
36 – 60 Months0.03% APY0.03% APY0.03% APY

*3 & 6 Month Share Certificates have $10K Minimum requirement.
**Basic Rates require Membership of 0-4 years
***Better Rates require Membership of 5-14 years
**** Best Rates require Membership of 15+ years

Truth-In-Savings Disclosure (Share Certificates)